2016 College Report
C OMMUN I C AT I ON S T UD I E S Te Department of Communication Studies prepares students for careers in business, industry, government, non-proft organizations, social services, and higher education. Te undergraduate degree includes emphases in Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Communication, and Persuasive and Political Communication. Te Department ofers a minor in Communication Studies, and leads interdisciplinary minors in Leadership, Political Communication and Health Communication. Te nationally ranked master’s program provides a strong graduate education in communication, with courses in fve areas of study: Health Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Instructional Communication, Organizational Communication, and Rhetorical Studies. Graduate students can also earn a Corporate Communication Training certifcate. 4% 381 MAJORS Undergraduate Majors Graduate Majors 87% 13% commstudies.txstate.edu facebook.com/txstatecomm twitter.com/TxStCommStudies 22 | College of Fine Arts and Communication
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