2016 College Report

- D A N C E Te Division of Dance ofers undergraduate degrees in Performance and Choreography, Dance Studies, Single Field Teacher Certifcation in Dance, and Two Field Teacher Certifcation in Dance. Te division has over 175 undergraduates, making it one of the 10 largest dance programs in the country. Tey produce at least 6 dance concerts per year. Te Texas State University’s Dance Program prepares professional performers, choreographers, and public school dance teachers. Students explore several forms of dance and learn to use those forms in educational, professional, and community settings. Te role of dance as an art form and as a means of developing sound aesthetic values are paramount in the program. 17676 MAJORS 98% 2% Undergraduate Majors Minors theatreanddance.txstate.edu/dance facebook.com/Texas State-Dance bachelor’s degree 24 | College of Fine Arts and Communication