2017 College Report
DONOR SPOTLIGHT Steve and Sue Beebe have been part of the Texas State University community for more than 30 years. Sue has received Presidential Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Service; Steve has received Presidential Awards for Research and twice for Service. After serving as Director of Lower-Division Studies in English, Sue retired in 2014 from the Department of English at Texas State. Steve is Regents’ and University Distinguished Professor, and concurrently served as Chair of the Department of Communication Studies and Associate Dean of the College for 28 years. “From our earliest student days, throughout our long teaching careers, we have witnessed firsthand the power of education to change lives. As first-generation college students ourselves, we obtained our educational goals and entered our chosen academic careers with the aid of generous scholarship support provided by others. We are happy to ‘pay it forward’ and help current and future Texas State students achieve their dreams.” - Steve and Sue Beebe, College of Fine Arts and Communication Donors Joe (Captain USN retired) and Sharon Lockett settled in San Marcos after decades of frequent moves during Joe’s career. Both native Texans (and both graduates of Rice U.), the Locketts looked for a small but vibrant community in their home state, close to cities known for celebrating the arts in general and performance in particular. San Marcos seemed a perfect ft, and later an opportunity to support Texas State’s new Performing Arts Center confrmed their choice. Now Joe and Sharon are encouraging investment in scholarships for the talented students who use this extraordinary resource in Central Texas. “We are long-time supporters of the educational values that come through arts training and education, including music (develops mathematical ability), drama (enhances self-esteem and expression), and dance (combining athletics and art). We recognize that these are a part of the fabric of a healthy community.” - Joe and Sharon Lockett, College of Fine Arts and Communication Donors Cathy Supple has joined a variety of fne arts programs and events. Her interest has expanded into several donations: scholarships in Musical Teatre, as well as twice participating in Te Producer’s Circle for Musical Teatre. She recently took advantage of the state’s matching research donations by reaching into her retirement savings to help both Musical Teatre and the Study for the Southwest. Married to former Texas State President Jerry Supple, she continues to take part in and support a variety of Texas State endeavors. Although technically not an alum or a Bobcat, she has felt at home in the university setting with a variety of activities. “Jerry and I have always believed in the value of the arts to enrich society, and we have seen how arts education transforms both individuals and communities. When I received the thank you letters from students who received scholarship support, I knew I wanted to do more. It is gratifying to be able to contribute to the fine arts at Texas State and to see the students graduate and make their mark in the world.” - Cathy Supple, College of Fine Arts and Communication Donor COLLEGE REPORT 2017 | 57
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