2017 College Report

FRIENDS OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION Friends support students in the College of Fine Arts and Communication at Texas State University. Tey raise scholarship funds that help students pay their tuition, travel to competitions and conferences, and participate in other unique learning activities and opportunities. When you join Friends, you become an important member of the college community. Your gift helps support our students and programs in the College of Fine Arts and Communication. For your fundraising and service to the College, you receive special benefts and privileges. For additional information, please visit fnearts.txstate.edu/friends. FRIENDS ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL TRIP | ITALY italy 2017 - 2018 MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION 203 Memberships, $67,000 in gifts, and Endowment at $275,000 MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS • Recognition in performance programs, advertisements, and website • Events including attending open rehearsals and post-production “meet and greet” with performers and directors/conductors • Annual Donor Appreciation event • Opportunities to visit classes within the College of Fine Arts and Communication • Preferred seating at special events • J oin the Friends on annual international trips* • Art gallery openings, Piersol Lecture Series, and educational seminars *Tese benefts available to Silver Friends and above MEMBERSHIP LEVELS The base membership begins at $100. Prices and benefits are the same for both personal and business memberships. BRONZE MEMBERSHIP Starting at $100 (Includes 4 tickets per membership year.) SILVER MEMBERSHIP Starting at $250 (Includes 8 tickets per membership year.) GOLD MEMBERSHIP Starting at $500 (Includes 12 tickets per membership year.) PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP Starting at $1,000 (Includes 16 tickets per membership year.) EMERALD MEMBERSHIP Starting at $5,000 (Includes 40 tickets per membership year.) DIAMOND MEMBERSHIP Starting at $10,000 (Includes 100 tickets per membership year.) *Tickets are good for all College events COLLEGE REPORT 2017 | 61