2018 College Report
MY NAME IS POLO SANDOVAL & MY SUCCESS STORY STARTED HERE. 2,295 MAJORS 404 MINORS HOMETOWN McA llen, TX DEGREE Electronic Media, 2007 OCCUPATION CNN Correspondent in New York Cit y WHY YOUR MAJOR? My passion for telling stories is what drew me to the field of journalism. WHY TEXAS STATE? I chose Texas State because of severa l notable a lumni who were work ing in television news as I was f inishing my high school education. They ser ved as the inspiration for why I do what I do today. Secondar y to that was the incredible reputation of the school. Third, the natura l beaut y of the campus made it idea l. How could I pass up an opportunit y to study on such a beautiful campus a mere four hours from home? HOW DID TEXAS STATE PREPARE YOU FOR YOUR CHOSEN PROFESSION? My time at Texas State Universit y helped broaden my horizons and instilled in me a natura l curiosit y about the world around me. Ever y day, my professors cha llenged me to leave my comfort zone and explore different ways of telling stories on paper and on camera. 30 STUDENT MEDIA AWARDS ( In 2018 ) MY NAME IS MICHAEL MENCHACA & MY SU CE S STORY STARTED HERE. 32 | COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATION
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