2019 College Report

College Report 2019 prev ious pres ident i al award winners FOR S E RV ICE - 2018 - JIM PRICE Theatre and Dance - 2016 - DARIS HALE Music - 2015 - STEVEN BEEBE Communication Studies - 2013 - ROSEANN MANDZIUK Communication Studies - 2012 - MICHEL CONROY Art and Design - 2011 - SINDY CHAPA Journalism and Mass Communication - 2010 - DAVID NOLAN Journalism and Mass Communication - 2008 - KYMBERLY FOX Journalism and Mass Communication - 2007 - TERI EVANS-PALMER Art and Design - 2006 - TIMOTHY MOTTET Communication Studies - 2005 - WAYNE KRAEMER Communication Studies - 2001 - STEVEN BEEBE Communication Studies - 2000 - MARYBETH SMITH Music FOR SCHOL A R LY A ND CR E AT I V E - 2014 - MELINDA VILLAGRAN Communication Studies - 2009 - MARIAN HOUSER Communication Studies - 2005 - TIMOTHY MOTTET Communication Studies - 2003 - NICO SCHÜLER Music - 1999 - IAN DAVIDSON Music - 1996 - STEVEN BEEBE Communication Studies - 1995 - ADAH JONES Music - 1994 - LEANNE SMITH Theatre and Dance College of Fine Arts and Communication 10 11 awards of achi evement PRE S I DENT I AL D I ST I NCT I ON AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE I N TEACHI NG | $2 , 000 ROSEANN MANDZIUK Communication Studies ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) CLAUDIA ROESCHMANN Art and Design ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) JONATHAN ZMIKLY Journalism and Mass Communication ( Senior Lecturer/Lecturer Level ) PRE S I DENT I AL D I ST I NCT I ON AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE I N S ERV I CE | $2 , 000 CINDY ROYAL Journalism and Mass Communication ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) PAUL VILLAGRAN Journalism and Mass Communication ( Assistant Professor/Lecturer Level ) MICHAEL BURNS Communication Studies ( Assistant Professor/Lecturer Level ) PRE S I DENT I AL D I ST I NCT I ON AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE I N SCHOL ARLY AND CREAT I VE | $2 , 000 JEFFREY DELL Art and Design ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) CHARLES NEY Theatre and Dance ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) STEPHANIE DAILEY Communication Studies ( Assistant Professor/Lecturer Level ) COLLEGE ACHI EVEMENT CHERI DEVOL MARTIN MCCAIN RAY NIEKAMP KELLY KAUFHOLD MOLLY SHERMAN ELIZABETH EGER JOHN DENIS KRISTEN FARRIS VLASTA SILHAVY UTAH HAMRICK BRIAN JOHNSON AWARD I N TEACHI NG | $1 , 000 Theatre and Dance ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) Music ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) Journalism and Mass Communication ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) Journalism and Mass Communication ( Assistant Professor Level ) Art and Design ( Assistant Professor Level ) Communication Studies ( Assistant Professor Level ) Music ( Assistant Professor Level ) Communication Studies ( Senior Lecturer/Lecturer Level ) Theatre and Dance ( Senior Lecturer/Lecturer Level ) Music ( Senior Lecturer/Lecturer Level ) Art and Design ( Senior Lecturer/Lecturer Level ) Music ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) Art and Design ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) Theatre and Dance ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) Art and Design ( Assistant Professor/Lecturer Level ) Music ( Assistant Professor/Lecturer Level ) Music ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) Communication Studies ( Professor/Associate Professor Level ) Journalism and Mass Communication ( Assistant Professor/Lecturer Level ) Art and Design ( Assistant Professor/Lecturer Level ) Theatre and Dance ( Assistant Professor/Lecturer Level ) COLLEGE ACHI EVEMENT AWARD I N SCHOL ARLY AND CREAT I VE | $1 , 000 COLLEGE ACHI EVEMENT AWARD I N S ERV I CE | $1 , 000 KYLE GLASER MICHEL CONROY MICHELLE NANCE JENNIFER STOB RUSSELL HAIGHT CAROLINE BEATTY TRICIA BURKE MIKE DEVLIN MARK MENJIVAR GREG BOLIN FOR TEACHI NG - 2018 - STEPHANIE DAILEY Communication Studies CYNTHIA GONZALES Music - 2017 - JENNIFER BUSCHHORN Journalism and Mass Communication DALE BLASINGAME Journalism and Mass Communication - 2016 - KAITLIN HOPKINS Theatre and Dance - 2015 - ANN BURNETTE Communication Studies DAVID NOLAN Journalism and Mass Communication - 2013 - CINDY ROYAL Journalism and Mass Communication KYMBERLY FOX Journalism and Mass Communication - 2011 - JASON KWAK Music - 2005 - JAMES HOUSEFIELD Art and Design FOR T E ACH I NG CONT I NUED - 1998 - GARY RICE Journalism and Mass Communication - 1997 - CATHY FLEURIET Communication Studies - 1994 - LEE WILLIAMS Communication Studies - 1990 - BRUCE RENFRO Journalism and Mass Communication - 1988 - CHARLES PASCOE Theatre and Dance PR E S I DENT I A L S EMI NA R AWA R DS - 2018 - ANA BAER CARRILLO Theatre and Dance - 2016 - SEAN HORAN Communication Studies - 2012 - RANDALL REID Art and Design - 2008 - BEVERLY PENN Art and Design - 1983 - JOAN HAYS Theatre and Dance