2019 College Report
College Report 2019 34 35 school of art and des ign With nearly 1000 majors, Texas State’s School of Art and Design is one of the largest schools for the visual arts in the country. Te school ofers undergraduate degrees in Communication Design, Studio Art, Photography, Art Education, and Art History, and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Communication Design. Art and Design students come primarily from Texas, but their achievements spread well beyond the state. Housed in the Joann Cole Mitte and Sabinal buildings, our students invest holistically in their own education, providing a model for other regional and national art programs. Supporting this endeavor are the more than 80 diverse faculty members dedicated to fostering conceptual and technical abilities necessary for artistic expression. RECENT ACCOLADES AND OPPORTUNITIES ALUMNI (See also Distinguished Alumni) • #13 UNDERGRADUATE ART AND DESIGN REBECCA ALVAR ADO PROGRAM (BestArtColleges.com) Smithsonian Minority Award Internship • In the last fve years, over 80 diferent design frms have hired KR ISTEN DEWULF new Texas State graduates UX Design Lead, Amazon, Seattle • Studio Art and Photography undergraduates have entered SAR AH DODDS MFA programs at Yale, Rhode Island School of Design, School Two-time Grammy-winning Designer for the Art Institute of Chicago, Virginia Commonwealth University, Cranbrook, Columbia University, and the San REBEKA FR ANK Francisco Art Institute Metals Artist, recent exhibits in Amsterdam, Finland, • NEARLY 100% PLACEMENT of Art Education majors and Montreal • M.F.A. in Communication Design one of eleven schools SUSIE GONZALEZ featured in Print magazine Painter, Featured in “13 Young Latina Artists Changing the Contemporary Art Landscape” • Student designs featured in CMYK , Print , Communication Arts , Graphis , Graphic Design USA , and HOW magazines GWEN HABERMAN Lead Designer & Brand Manager, Global Marketing, • Over 200 National Awards from the American Institute of London Graphic Arts, the Dallas Society of Visual Communications, the American Advertising Federation’s ADDY awards, Te SHELLY LAY One Show, Logolounge, and the Brass Ring advertising awards Archivist, Calder Foundation • #11 in Value College’s Top 25 BEST VALUE BACHELOR’S JOHN LIVINGSTON IN GRAPHIC DESIGN PROGRAMS FOR 2019 Design Lead, IBM • Recent Artist Residencies at Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, the Vermont Studio Center, the Meet Factory MAX MARSHAL (Prague), MASSMoCA (North Adamas), Fine Arts Work Associate Director, Matthew Marks Gallery, NYC Center (Provincetown, MA), and Seoul Artspace (Korea) JACQUELINE MCGILVRAY • Alums work at art institutions such as the Detroit Institute of Exhibitions and Program Coordinator, Blue Star Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, Artpace (San Antonio), and Contemporary Pace Gallery in New York City SPENCER MILLSAP Photojournalist and Filmmaker, White House Photo RECENT GUEST ARTISTS Ofce and National Geographic Robyn O’Neil (featured in Whitney Biennial ), David Bate MICHAEL VILLARREAL (London Photographer), Mario Ybarra Jr. (featured in Whitney Painter, Art Palace gallery, recently included in Whitney Biennial ), Suzanne Opton (Guggenheim Fellowship), Trevor Biennial project at Occupy Museums Paglen (Macarthur Fellow), Jessi Reaves (Sculptor in NYC), and Jenny Gheith (Assistant Curator at SFMOMA) # 13 undergraduate art and design program (Be stAr tCol l ege s .com) 976 Ma j o r s 301 Mi no r s
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