College of Fine Arts and Communication 2023 Report
IN MEMORIAM schol arsh i ps i n honor of facult y art and des i gn commun i cat i on stud i es journal i sm and mas s commun i cat i on school of mus i c theatre and dance *William Kolbe Scholarship in Art Education Steven A. Beebe and Susan J. Beebe Communication Studies Graduate Scholarship M. Lee Williams and Cathy Fleuriet Communication Studies Graduate Teaching Award Elton Abernathy Endowed Scholarship Fred Adams Memorial Endowed Scholarship Gina C. Whitlock Memorial Scholarship Herbert O. Esse and Clarice Cavness Esse Memorial Scholarship John Ralph Harrel Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Music Peggy Brunner and Bob Whalin Scholarship Endowment *Mark Anthony Cruz Classical Guitar Excellence Scholarship The John C. Schmidt Scholarship Fund in Music Karen M. Earl Memorial Dance Scholarship Peter Coulson Scholarship James G. Barton Endowed Scholarship Sheila Hargett Costume Design Scholarship BOB WHAL IN | 1935 - 2023 Dr. John Robert Whalin moved to San Marcos in 1964 to teach piano at Southwest Texas State University. During his tenure, he traveled extensively as a classical concert pianist. He was an active leader and province governor with Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia for more than 20 years and received the Robert J. Rogers Lifetime Service Award. He was also awarded the Faculty Senate Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1990 and 1995. He retired in 2001 and went on to teach at Austin Community College for 10 years and teach private lessons into his 80s. 26 College Report 2023 Dr. Frances Henry Scholarship for Art Education The Michel Conroy Endowed Scholarship in Ceramics Philip J. Salem Graduate Scholarship Robert F. Glaves Journalism Scholarship Archie Grusendorf Memorial Scholarship Benjamin M. Primer, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Asbell Family Endowed Scholarship in Music Fund Charles Pascoe Memorial Scholarship Jeremy Torres Memorial Scholarship Larry Hovis Memorial Acting Scholarship
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