College of Fine Arts and Communication 2023 Report

1966 University reorganized into a five-school liberal arts model. Journalism is now in the School of Applied Arts; Art, Music and Speech are in the School of Liberal and Fine Arts. 1967 Bachelor’s degree in drama is approved (later called theatre). 1969 The name of the college changes to Southwest Texas State University, and with it the name of the College Star changes to the University Star . 1970 Enrollment doubles within five years to 9,853 in fall 1970; Master of Arts degree in speech and drama is approved. 1971 The Speech and Drama Building (now the Theatre Center) opens. (PICTURED) - Ralph Harrel named dean of the School of Creative Arts, which is housed in the College of Arts and Sciences; he is dean until 1985. 1972 Drama is now included in the name of the Department of Speech. - The new Ebony Players, under the direction of James Barton , perform ARaisin in the Sun at the LBJ Ranch for President andMrs. Johnson . (PICTURED) 1974 Lee Smith is the new president of the university. He splits the two colleges into seven separate schools: Journalism is in the School of Applied Arts. Art, Music, and Speech and Drama are in the School of Creative Arts. 1977 Art moves to the building that is now Lampasas Hall. 1978 Richard Cheatham becomes chair of Speech and Drama at SWT. 1979 Ralph Harrel , dean of Creative Arts, and San Marcos resident Maude Ogle partner to form “The Dean’s List,” a group of local patrons who support the arts that in 1993 becomes the Friends of Fine Arts and Communication. 1980 University enrollment hits 15,400. 1981 Bob Hardesty , former special assistant to President Lyndon Johnson, becomes president of the university. 1982 Music moves into renovated StrahanGymnasium; KAT Radio begins operation on a cable access channel in San Marcos. 1984 Journalism joins the School of Fine Arts and Communication. - The Opening Door Dance Theatre is begun by faculty members Karen Earl , Sandy Rodriguez and LeAnne Smith . 1985 Richard Cheatham becomes dean, serving until 2011. He oversees newmaster’s degrees in journalism/mass communication and art and design; the new tower and license for KTSW; and the opening of the Fire Station Studio, the Joann Mitte Art Complex and the design of the Performing Arts Center. (PICTURED) 1985 - 197 1 - 1972 - 1985 31 College of Fine Arts and Communication