College of Fine Arts and Communication 2023 Report
C3 RESEARCH CENTER The Center for Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity, also known as C3, serves the research and creative needs of faculty in the College of Fine Arts and Communication. C3 aims to leverage external funding for interdisciplinary research and creative ideas to make a positive impact in the way people live, learn, and work. The college’s C3 Research Center offers support to enhance the entire continuum of faculty research and scholarly creative activities, from the initial spark of an idea to the delivery of a successful project. REP GRANTS: • Andrew Chen Renaissance Allegory: Visual Thinking in Italy and Europe after 1492 • Jeffrey Lieber Sibyl Moholy-Nagy: In Defense of Architecture: Selected Writings • Mark Menjivar Unable to Claim: Finding Dignity Within the Largest Prison Cemetery in the United States • MiHyun Kim Interactive Data Storytelling on Salary Compression and Inversion in Higher Education • Marian Houser and Michael Burns Mental Health, Soft Skill, and Coping Strategies for First Responders • Stephanie Dailey “I Can’t Stop Thinking About My Kids”: Exploring How Childcare Apps Affect Working Parents’ Well-Being • Josh Miller The Poor People’s Campaign Coalitional Leadership • Michael Ippolito Recording Project: Strange Loops • Hank Hehmsoth Blue Drifter: A Recording Project by Double Vision for Jazz Quartet • Sam Flippin Experiencing the Creation of a New String Orchestra Ensemble at a Liberal Arts University • Nico Schüler The Hyers Sisters: Rediscovering Pioneers of African- American Musical Theatre • Alec Scherer Choir Directors’ Perceptions and Applications of Democratic Rehearsal Procedures MANU POKHAREL FUTURE RESEARCH: • Manu Pokharel (SJMC) plans to apply for a National Institute of Health (NIH) R03 in the coming academic year. Her project seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of comprehensive patient education materials related to acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM). • Kelly Kaufhold (SJMC) plans to apply to the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) to build on an area of research: the concept of political tribal identity. INTERNAL FUNDING VIA RESEARCH ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (REP): In FY 2022, the College of Fine Arts and Communication (COFAC) submitted 28 proposals and eleven were awarded totaling $101,615 (most out of any college). In this year’s REP cycle, the total funding awarded to all COFAC projects was $99,794 . EXTERNAL FUNDING AWARDED: • Sean Justice (Art and Design) – Exploring Early Childhood Teachers’ Abilities to Identify Computational Thinking Precursors to Strengthen Computer Science in Classrooms. Total Award: $449,100 (2020-2023). Sponsor: National Science Foundation • MiHyun Kim (Art and Design) – DISES: Integrating Environmental Justice into Urban Forest Assessment and Valuation Tools: Blueprint for the Future. Total Subaward: $112, 014 (2022-2027). Sponsor: National Science Foundation • Rebekah Fox (Comm Studies) – Human Dimensions of Safety and Wildfire Management. Total Award: $15,000 (2022-2025). Sponsor: USDA, Forest Service. • Eugene Lee (Theatre and Dance) – Black and Latino Playwrights Celebration. Total Award: $5,000 (2023). Sponsors: Humanities Texas 50 College Report 2023
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