January & February 2020 College News

CO L L EG E L E A D E R S H I P D R . J O H N F L E M I N G Dean P: 512.245.2308 | F: 512.245.8386 jf18@t xstate.edu Of f ice: 112 OM M R . K E V I N D . G I L L E Y Assistant to the Dean, Outreach P: 512.245.9170 | k.gilley@t xstate.edu Of f ice: 112 OM D R . L A U R I E F L U K E R Associate Dean and Associate Professor School of Journa lism and Ma ss Communication P: 512.245.2529 | lf 04@t xstate.edu Of f ice: 308 OM D R . J O E Y M A R T I N Associate Dean and Director of Chora l Activities School of Music P: 512.245.3830 | jm59@t xstate.edu Of f ice: 146 MUS M R . K A R L B O Y S E N Director College Advising Center P: 512.245.1932 | kb05@t xstate.edu Of f ice: 118 OM M S . D E B A L L E Y Cha ir Depa rtment of Theatre and Dance P: 512.245.2147| dra lley@t xstate.edu Of f ice: 101 THEA D R . T H O M A S C L A R K Director School of Music P: 512.245.2651 | tc24@t xstate.edu Of f ice: 101 MUS M R . M I C H A E L N I B L E T T Director School of Art and Design P: 512.245.2611 | mn25@t xstate.edu Of f ice: 2112 JCM D R . J U D Y O S K A M Director School of Journa lism and Ma ss Communication P: 512.245.2656 | Oskam@t xstate.edu Of f ice: 102 OM M S . M I C H E L L E N A N C E Director Division of Dance P: 512.245.2949 | mnance@t xstate.edu Of f ice: 178 JOW D R . E R I K T I MM E R M A N Chair Depa rtment of Communication Studies P: 512.245.2165 | eriktimm@t xstate.edu Of f ice: 312 CENT