January February 2018 College News

1 Mike Devlin receiving a top paper award 2 SMJC students and faculty at the PRSSA 2018 Regional Conference: Deep in the Heart PR 3 SJMC graduate student Eun Jeong Lee at the 2018 Winter Olympics JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATION Advertising, Digital Media Innovation, Electronic Media , Mass Communication, Journalism, & Public Relations FACULTY ACCOLADES Terry Scott Bertling, an adjunct lecturer, edited a cofee-table book that is being published this spring by Trinity University Press. Te book, San Antonio Stories: Centuries of Culture and Community is more than 500 pages and is a compilation of stories from the daily history series Bertling has edited since April 2017, pegged to San Antonio’s Tricentennial. Te publication date is set for March. Tis is the second history book published from a series that Bertling assigned and edited. Te frst was in 2015 and marked the San Antonio Express-News’ 150th anniversary. Trinity also published a 517-page book, San Antonio: Our Story of 150 years in the Alamo City . Bertling is the new publications and special projects editor for the Express-News . Elizabeth Clark received an Alkek Library research grant in February to acquire materials for her project on the history, cultural preservation and memorial landscape design of Lidice, a village in Czech Republic destroyed by Nazi forces in 1942 and reconstructed in 1948. Mike Devlin was recognized as 2017 Second Place Most Promising Professor by AEJMC’s Mass Communication and Society Division. In addition, Mike had fve peer-reviewed publications examining the intersection of sports fans, psychology, and mass media accepted and/or published in the fall of 2017. Manuscripts can be found in Communication & Sport , International Journal of Sports Communication , and International Review for the Sociology of Sport . In November, Dr. Devlin received a top paper award in the National Communication Association Sport Communication Interest Group for his conference paper titled “Not All Fans Act Tat Way: Te Role of Individual Personality in Predicting BIRGing and CORFing Behaviors.” [1] 10 | January & February | College News