January February 2018 College News
1 Elizabeth K. Eger and a team of graduate students at an Austin art exhibit 2 Kelly Bales (B.A., 2009) 3 Megan Pope (B.A., 2006 & M.A. 2008) COMMUNICATION STUDIES Communication Studies, Health Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Leadership Studies, Organizational Communication, Persuasive Communication, Political Communication, & Teacher Certif ication in Communication Studies FACULTY ACCOLADES Tricia Burke published “Sex and risk: Parental messages and associated safety/risk behavior of adult children” in Communication Quarterly with Sean Horan and M.A. alum Toni Morgan . Tricia and co-applicant Michael Burns received $16,000.00 of funding to support the investigation of a proposal entitled, “Building a Culture of Health at Work: Assessing and Fostering Supervisor Support.” Elizabeth K. Eger received her Ph.D. from the University of Colorado-Boulder. Her dissertation is entitled, “Communicating organizational and transgender intersectional identities: An ethnography of a transgender outreach center.” She completed 3 years of feldwork at an Albuquerque-based site, with research questions focusing on how communication served to construct and confgure related organizational and guest identities. Elizabeth also published “Transgender jobseekers navigating closeting communication” in Management Communication Quarterly . Elizabeth and a team of graduate students from her Work, Identity, and Diference seminar attended an Austin art exhibit on “Doing Work” by Raul Gonzales. [1] Tey applied theories to Gonzales’ exhibit on bodies at work with his focus on working-class immigrants and stay-at- home fathers. Rebekah Fox will help coordinate the Criss Cole Vocational Rehabilitation Center College Prep program. Tis is the third year the program has been hosted by Texas State. Tis two-week intensive college prep program is an opportunity for students across Texas who are interested in applying or returning to college to come to Texas State and gain valuable skills in the areas of college preparation and blindness. 6 | January & February | College News
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