January February 2024 College News

FACULTY ACCOLADES Ann Burnette delivered a talk on the arguments used by woman suffrage leaders at the program “Selling Suffrage: Words and Symbols to Win the Vote and the ERA.” The occasion was a fundraising event for the Turning Point Suffrage Memorial Association, which is raising money for a national memorial to commemorate the movement that secured women’s right to vote. She was also interviewed as an expert on presidential communication by the Washington Post for a piece entitled, “From ‘my generals’ to ‘my Kevin,’ Trump's preferred possessive can be a sign of affection or control.” Michael Burns was the keynote speaker at The Ohio State University's Academic Leadership Forum. [ 1 ] He guided the provost and every vice president, dean, and chair/director at Ohio State through a workshop focused on best practices for conducting interdisciplinary research. This workshop was based off of the CoSearch program he developed with Marian Houser. Manusheela Pokharel [ 2 ] published “Cancer information overload: Discriminant validity and relationship to sun safe behaviors,” in Patient Education and Counseling . Her article, “Health communication roles in Latino, Pacific Islander, and Caucasian Families: A qualitative investigation” was recently published in the Journal of Genetic Counseling . STUDENT ACCOLADES M.A. students Sean Dyhre , Jorlanditha Austin , and Noah Dawson travelled with Dr. Stephanie Dailey to the Organizational Communication Mini Conference at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. [ 3] C3 The Center for Communication, Collaboration & Creativit y (C3) SPRING SOCIAL AT INDUSTRY The C3 Team will be hosting a Spring Social at local restaurant, Industry, from 4 PM to 6 PM on Thursday, March 7. All CoFAC faculty are welcome to attend this informal come-and- go event and enjoy some appetizers courtesy of Dean Fleming. Faculty will have the opportunity to catch up with colleagues from all five units in the college and ask the C3 Team questions about pursuing internal and external funding opportunities. The spring semester is going fast, and Spring Break is right around the corner, take some time to enjoy yourself and have some great conversations with the rest of our wonderful CoFAC faculty! If you have any questions about this event, please contact the C3 Team. TAKING ADVANTAGE OF C3 RECORDED WORKSHOPS IN THE NEW YEAR! If you were unable to attend last year’s Don’t Say R.I.P. to your REP workshop or past C3 workshops that focused on the Fulbright: U.S. Scholars Program or Finding External Funding through PIVOT, you can now watch these workshops on C3’s Recorded Workshop webpage. All C3 affiliated workshops, such as the one focusing on the Research Enhancement Program, will become available on this webpage in the days following the conclusion of the workshops. All CoFAC faculty are encouraged to take advantage of these recorded workshops and the many other helpful resources located on C3’s Website. If you have any questions or if you would like to discuss possible funding opportunities with the C3 Team, please contact Matthew Winn at mwinn@txstate.edu. HAVE AN IDEA ?! CONTACT MatthewWinn C3 Team 512.245.0040 mwinn@txstate.edu RESOURCE GUIDE: The Resource Guide was created to help faculty find and obtain funding and provide support in managing awards for research and creative projects. Meredith Williams C3 Team 512.245.6719 mc65@txstate.edu College of Fine Arts and Communication | 9 DANCE Dance Studies, Per formance & Choreography, Single Teaching Certif ication, & Dual Teaching Certif ications FACULTY ACCOLADES Kaysie Seitz Brown was invited to teach a modern dance class for middle schoolers at Ann Richards School for Women Leaders during their week of special classes taught by guest artists in Austin. Brown was assisted by two CIM TEYA company members, Marifer Martinez and Vanessa Mendez . She was also invited to facilitate a creative movement master class for alumnus Angeline Carrillo's dance company, Psalm 149 Dance Ministries in New Braunfels. [1] Michelle Nance was commissioned to create a new dance for alumnus Angeline Carrillo's dance company, Psalm 149 Dance Ministries in New Braunfels to be premiered later this spring. [2] Jonathan Pattiwael is in the top 4 finalists at Tribal Grounds Hip-Hop Dance Festival at Huston-Tillotson University. STUDENT ACCOLADES Rishon Harvey auditioned for Alvin Ailey and was accepted into their 5 week Summer Intensive and into their 1 year Independent Study. Bri Lozano got accepted to take part in an experience of a lifetime, the Disney College Program! This 8-month long internship where they are working in a galaxy far far away, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge as a merchandise Cast Member! [3] ALUMNI ACCOLADES Rose Troche represented the Houston Texan Cheerleaders in the 2024 Pro Bowl. Kaysie Seitz Brown taught a modern dance class at Ann Richards School for Women Leaders Michelle Nance is creating a new dance sequence for Psalm 149 Dance Ministries Bri Lozano was accepted for a Disney Internship Program working on Star Wars! 8 | January & February | College News 1 2 3