January February 2024 College News

A case study adapting COPEWELL for community resiliency in Pottsboro” and “The Lee-Bardwell Public Library community collaboration process: A case study adapting COPEWELL for community resiliency in Gladewater, Texas.” Both pieces were co-authored with current M.A. student Anca Tonciu and Rex Long, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Anthropology. Elizabeth and Rex presented their research with community stakeholders in Gladewater, TX, at the Lee- Bardwell Library. The community event and research was covered by the Longview News-Journal . [2] Marian Houser had "Faculty computer-mediated communication apprehension during shift to emergency remote teaching: Implications for teacher-student interactions and faculty organizational outcomes" accepted for publication in Frontiers in Communication . The piece was co-authored with Kristen Farris , C. Erik Timmerman , and M.A. alum Luke Dye . Wayne Kraemer currently serves as the President of the Board of Directors of the LBJ Museum of San Marcos. Ann Burnette serves on the board as secretary. The Museum held its annual fundraising gala on January 20, which featured historian Dr. Douglas Brinkley as the keynote speaker. Texas State Univeristy president Kelly Damphousse and the Honorable Judith Zaffirini , State Senator, were among the attendees. [3] DEPARTMENT ACCOLADES Communication Studies Graduate Association (CSGA) is a departmental organization dedicated to unifying the graduate students in Communication Studies at Texas State University. In February, CSGA sponsored a “Send Some Love!” event, encouraging undergraduate and graduate students to create cards, poems, notes, or messages of affirmation for residents of the San Marcos Rehabilitation and Health Care Center. CSGA members then distributed the messages on behalf of the student contributors. The Texas State University Speech and Debate team bested universities from across Texas to take top overall honors at the Texas Intercollegiate Forensic Association (TIFA) State Championship. Eleven schools, including the University of Texas and Rice University, competed in the event hosted by Texas State February 2nd through February 4th. Individual standouts included College of Fine Arts and Communication | 7 Samantha Nava who earned a Second-Place finish in International Public Debate and Callum Ritter who was awarded the top overall Individual Events Speaker. Santi Malpica Calleja was the Top Novice in multiple events. Texas State Speech and Debate has won more overall TIFA championships than any other university. FACULTY ACCOLADES Ann Burnette currently serves as the president of the Southern States Communication Association (SSCA). She has developed and will chair a President's Spotlight Panel at the upcoming annual convention entitled, "The Future of Belonging in Texas and Beyond," featuring communication scholars who will discuss ways communication can contribute to a future that is inclusive and transformative. Stephanie Dailey published “Faculty mental health and compassion fatigue: A call to the profession, a call to the institution” in the Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health . She also published “Narrative analysis in qualitative organizational communication research” in The SAGE handbook of qualitative research in organizational communication . Stephanie is currently a service learning fellow, and the Service Learning Excellence program recently launched a spotlight page to feature all the fellows. She recently facilitated the Energy Innovation Kickoff for Texas State's Division of Research where she led interdisciplinary teams through exercises to help stimulate conversations to promote team cohesion and cultivate a collaborative mindset among participants. Stephanie welcomed Communication Studies M.A. alum, Luis Vasquez , to her Qualitative Research graduate class. Students learned about Luis's role as a qualitative researcher at Ascension Seton and how they can apply the skills they are cultivating in the course. [1] Elizabeth K. Ege r published, “Queer approaches to qualitative organizational communication research” in The SAGE handbook of qualitative research in organizational communication . She also published “The Pottsboro Library community collaboration process: 1 2 3 Stephanie Dailey facilitated the Energy Innovation Kickoff for Texas State's Divison of Research Elizabeth K. Eger presented her community resiliency research in Gladewater Kelly Damphousse attended the LBJ Museum of San Marcos fundraising gala along with Wayne Kraemer and Ann Burnette 6 | January & February | College News COMMUNICATION STUDIES Communication Studies, Health Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Leadership Studies, Organizational Communication, Persuasive Communication, Political Communication, & Teacher Certif ication in Communication Studies Ann Burnette is a Regents' Teaching Professor who teaches graduate and undergraduate classes in Political Communication, American Speeches, and Rhetorical Criticism. In 2016 the Southern States Communication Association presented her the John I. Sisco Excellence in Teaching Award. She is also the recipient of the 2015 Texas State University Presidential Award of Excellence. Dr. Burnette also has received the Texas State University Alumni Teaching Award of Honor. In addition, she has won the Presidential Distinction Award in Teaching, the College Achievement Award in Teaching, and the department’s Golden Apple Awards for undergraduate and graduate teaching. In addition, Texas State University’s Associated Student Government has also named her a Bobcat Hero. Dr. Burnette’s research interests include political campaign rhetoric, the construction of gender in public discourse, historical political debates, and freedom of speech issues. She received the 2014 Southern States Communication Association James Madison Prize for Outstanding Research in First Amendment Studies for her article co-authored with Dr. Rebekah Fox, “Reframing Corporations as Individuals: The ‘Persuasive Marvels’ ... Unleashed by the Citizens United Ruling,” which appeared in First Amendment Studies. #FACULTY SPOTLIGHT