March 2019 College News
1 Twenty-six faculty members participating in a mini-version of CoSearch around the theme of “Materials with Intelligence” 2 One of the fve teams collaborating to refne their project at the CoSearch targeted event 3 Elizabeth K. Eger at the Texas State Health Scholar Showcase where she presented her research 6 | March | College News COMMUNICATION STUDIES Communication Studies, Health Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Leadership Studies, Organizational Communication, Persuasive Communication, Political Communication, & Teacher Certif ication in Communication Studies FACULTY ACCOLADES Michael Burns recently presented at the Leadership Institute, working with 40 students on how to improve their listening skills to become better leaders. Michael also facilitated the frst CoSearch Targeted Event with the College of Science and Engineering. He and Marian Houser planned and hosted a mini-version of CoSearch around the theme of “Materials with Intelligence.” Twenty-six faculty members, primarily from Science and Engineering, participated in the event by forming teams around the top fve projects. [1 & 2] Tey are now working to submit external funding applications within the year. Elizabeth K. Eger presented “Examining University Health Communication Outreach by LGBTQIAP+ Student Peer Advocates” to the Texas State Health Scholar Showcase. [ 3] Roseann Mandziuk recently presented three lectures and a grant writing workshop on three diferent campuses in India, including Stella Maris College in Chennai, Vellore Institute of Technology in Vellore, and Indraprastha College for Women. STUDENT ACCOLADES M.A. students David Beadle , Sean Dhyre , Miguel Munoz , and Luis Vasquez assisted as presentation coaches at the “Materials with Intelligence” Co-Search targeted event workshop. M.A. student Lauren Lee was selected as the Department of Communication Studies representative for the 2019 College of Fine Arts and Communication Outstanding Graduate Student Award. Hannah Jones , Trevor Kauer , and David Beadle were also nominated for the award. M.A. students Trevor Kauer and Hannah Jones were each nominated for the Eastern Communication Association Centennial Scholarship. ALUMNI ACCOLADES Kevin Kline (M.A., 2010) is a Channel Account Manager in the technology partnership program at ShipStation, the leading application in e-commerce fulfllment. Melissa Barnett Kocian (M.A., 2005) currently serves as an Academic Dean at East Central High School in New Braunfels. Joey Kuykendal l (B.A., 2018) is the Coordinator of Partnership Services for Learfeld IMG College, managing the corporate sponsorship & multi-media rights for Texas State University Athletics. Shanna Schultz (M.A., 2015) is the Program Director for the University Interscholastic League (UIL) at Houston ISD, as well as an adjunct faculty member for San Jacinto College in the Department of Speech. She was recently elected to serve on the District Advisory Committee to the Board of Trustees for Houston ISD. Reyna Vasquez (B.A., 2015) is an Events and Volunteer Manager for the Boys & Girls Clubs of San Antonio. DEPARTMENT ACCOLADES Te Department of Communication Studies is proud to announce that Roseann Mandziuk was elected Second Vice President of the National Communication Association in February. She will serve as President of the organization in two years after fulflling the duties of First Vice President next year. Te National Communication Association (NCA) is the largest professional organization dedicated specifcally to the research and teaching of Communication. Dedicated to promoting free and ethical communication, NCA promotes the widespread appreciation of the importance of communication in public and private life, the application of competent communication to improve 2ND VICE PRESIDENT Roseann Mandziuk , the new Second Vice President of the National Communication Association, is an award-winning teacher and scholar, currently teaching in New Delhi, India on her second Fulbright Fellowship. She has been very active in NCA over her career, serving on various committees such as the Finance Board and Executive Committee, a member of the Legislative Assembly and Nominating Committee, Chair of the Feminist and Women Studies Division, and the Diversity Council and Afrmative Action/Intercaucus Committee. Roseann also served as President of the Southern States Communication Association for the 2017 academic year. the quality of human life and relationships, and the use of knowledge about communication to solve human problems.NCA publishes academic journals that provide the latest research in the discipline and showcase diverse perspectives on a range of scholarly topics, organizes programs that serve to engage public audiences with current and emerging communication topics, and helps disseminate Communication scholarship broadly through regular media outreach, and a robust social media presence. Roseann will devote much of her time to two specifc initiatives to advance NCA. Te frst will be to further explore opportunities to enhance diversity and inclusion, particularly with regard to leadership positions and student recruitment and support. Te second goal involves increased public engagement to increase the visibility of Communication scholarship and enhance the practice of informed critique and deliberative public discussion. College of Fine Arts and Communication | 7
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