
Outstanding Fight Choreography, and a part of the nomination for Outstanding Small Cast in the B. Iden Payne Awards. Sidney Rushing was a VIP guest and recognized as the first inaugural August Wilson Playwriting Fellow at the opening of The August Wilson House this summer. He met with Denzel Washington and several other notables in the industry. Sid also worked in New York this summer as an Artist in Residence with Theatre 4, the people developing his new script on an ongoing basis. In addition, he was a finalist for a North Carolina full stage production writing fellowship. [2] Yong Suk Yoo was invited by KAFTE (Korea Association for Theatre Education) and presented at their 2022 Spring Academic Conference titled ‘Theatre Education in the Age of Post-pandemic and New Normal’ in June. The title of his presentation was "The Expectations and Concerns about Theatre Education Integrated with Digital Technology." Yong Suk Yoo has also been invited by the KSFB (Korean Society of Fashion Business) and is going to participate as a forum lecturer at their international academic conference titled ‘Fashion 5.0: Digital Playground and Virtual Human’ in October. The title of his lecture is "The Fashion Show as Performing Arts in Digital Age." STUDENT ACCOLADES Jackie Antu, teaching certification major, was the assistant stage manager for Theatre now 24 hour play festival at The Classic Theatre in San Antonio. [3] Theatre & Dance student Jordan Faniel's short film Buzzkill won the Audience Choice Award at the San Antonio Black International Film Festival. Sara Fusco (2022 BFA in Technical Theatre) spent her summer with Santa Fe Opera completing a properties painting apprenticeship. In October, the Lost River Film Festival in San Marcos will screen films by Texas State students - the short film Haven, directed by Emery Jones & Miranda Wachtler. Jessica Terán (2023 Performance & Production) was in Disney’s Newsies as Finch and Katherine’s understudy at Zilker Park Hillside Theatre in Austin. College of Fine Arts and Communication | 19 Texas State’s Theatre Department opened Antigone by Bertolt Brecht directed by MFA graduate candidate Jess Hawthorne Fiene in late September. The production included bobcat talents: Parker Dial, Amaryllis Martinez, Talya Hammerman, Ollie Payne, Sarah Long, Jennifer Gonzalez, Grace Stephens, Ruth Foulkrod, Jordan Andrews, Sydney Deone Cooper, Brydon H. Lidle IV, William Ellis, Grace Mondy, Montserrat Luna, Kat Adams, Ella Kriegel, Hannah Wilson, Lauren Magee, Ciara De La Sayette, Labrina Bedell, Paige Blackwell, Hatlyn Barricklow, and Kaleb Quinn. ANTIGONE