September 2016 College News

CO L L EG E O F F I N E A RT S A N D COMMU N I CAT I O N S E P T EMB E R I S S U E FA L L 2 0 1 6 D E A N John Fleming T E X AS S TAT E U N I V E R S I T Y SYS T EM B OA R D O F R EG E N T S Dr. Jaime R. Garza | Chairman, San Antonio Rossanna Salazar | Vice Chairman, Austin Charlie Amato, San Antonio Veronica Muzquiz Edwards, San Antonio David Montagne, Beaumont Vernon Reaser III, Bellaire William F. Scott, Nederland Alan L. Tinsley, Madisonville Donna N. Williams, Arlington Dylan J. McFarland | Student Regent, Frisco Dr. Brian McCall | Chancellor, Austin D E S I G N Jennifer Stephenson Events & Publications Coordinator P H OTO G R A P H Y Nathan Gentry Texas State University is a tobacco-free campus. COVER PHOTO: From Roger Colombik (Art & Design Professor) [ P G . 2 ] and Jerolyn Bahm-Colombik’s socially- engaged project More Life in a Time Without Boundaries was on exhibit at the Grace Museum in Abilene, April 19-August 14, 2016. f inearts.t xstcollegefac xstfac xstfac xstatecollegefac FOLLOW US!