September 2018 College News

1 Ann Burnette, Shelly Schaefer Hinck, and Wayne Kraemer at the 9th ISSA Conference 2 Presidential Award for Excellence recipients Stephanie Dailey, Cynthia Gonzalez, and Jim Price at Convocation with Dr. John Fleming 3 Kristen Farris and the COMM 1310 team trained 15 new graduate instructional assistants through the Teaching and Learning Academy COMMUNICATION STUDIES Communication Studies, Health Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Leadership Studies, Organizational Communication, Persuasive Communication, Political Communication, & Teacher Certif ication in Communication Studies FACULTY ACCOLADES Ann Burnette published “Teaching free speech across the communication studies curriculum” in the journal First Amendment Studies . Ann presented research at the 9th International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA) Conference, hosted by the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. [1] Ann also taught an Introduction to Communication class to blind and visually impaired students as part of the Criss Cole Rehabilitative Center College Preparatory Program in June. Te students lived on the Texas State campus while attending class and learned about the various programs and resources that Texas State ofers. Michael Burns presented fve note-taking presentations at Bobcat Preview to over 2000 new freshmen. He also gave a presentation to Texas State athletes at the J. Ryan Whittington Leadership Academy focusing on creative problem-solving and teamwork. Stephanie Dailey won the Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching. [2] In addition, Stephanie is part of an interdisciplinary research team that was selected as an awardee for Multidisciplinary Internal Research Grants (MIRG). Teir project, “Does social media make us sick? A pilot study of the efects of social media on physiological reactivity and mental health” is a collaboration between researchers from Psychology, Communication Studies, Mass Communication, Geography, and CIS & Quantitative Methods. Finally, undergraduate students in Stephanie’s Social Media in Organizations course are currently conducting social media audits for over 15 companies and nonprofts, many of which are home to Texas State alumni. Students will analyze organizations’ social media posts and provide suggestions for improvement. 6 | September | College News