
8 | September | College News Study abroad program in London led by Michael Burns, Kristen Farris, Marian Houser, Daris Hale, Ian Davidson, and Nico Schüler Study abroad program in Paris led by Michael Burns, Kristen Farris, Marian Houser, Daris Hale, Ian Davidson, and Nico Schüler College of Fine Arts and Communication study abroad program in Rome led by Michael Burns 4 5 6 and leadership development roles with tech industry firms such as Motorola, AMD, Freescale, and NXP Semiconductors. She recently launched MG Leadership, LLC - an independent executive coaching and org performance consulting firm that offers executive coaching services, coaching-based leadership development experiences; and consulting with executive leadership teams on matters related to org performance and leadership effectiveness. DEPARTMENT ACCOLADES Michael Burns , Kristen Farris , and Marian Houser co-led a study abroad program in collaboration with Daris Hale , Ian Davidson , and Nico Schüler from the School of Music that went to London and Paris. [4-5] Students in the program earned credit for a variety of courses including COMM 1310, Introduction to Fine Arts, HON 3397H (International Culture), and graduate-level Instructional Communication. In addition to completing assignments centered around cultural content, students attended concerts and toured locations such as the British Museum, the Tate Modern, Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge, the National Gallery, and Buckingham Palace. In Paris, students toured locations such as the Louvre, the Memorial de la Shoah, Notre Dame, and the Eiffel Tower, in addition to attending Jazz concerts and the Strauss opera Elektra . Michael Burns also led a second program that went to Rome [6] , Florence, and Vienna and was co-led with Daris Hale. In addition to completing assignments centered around cultural content, students toured locations such as the Pantheon, the Colosseum, Vatican City, Schonnbrunn Palace, the Sigmund Freud Museum, Mozart’s House, and the Vienna State Opera House. Stephanie Dailey co-led an education abroad program with Seth Frei from the Department of Management, travelling across Portugal with fifteen Communication and Business students to explore communication in global organizations. Topics for both courses included team collaboration, coworker communication, networking, conflict negotiation, leadership, and intersections among personal, social, organizational, and occupational identities. In addition to cultural excursions, multiple business site visits, and class discussions, students engaged in two service learning activities: communication consulting to help a small- batch olive oil producer and volunteering with Serve the City to establish a community garden in Lisbon. C3 The Center for Communication, Collaboration & Creativit y (C3) REP APPL ICATIONS Research Enhancement Program (REP) applications are due by 5PM on Friday, October 7th. Eligible faculty members can apply for up to $8,000 if submitting alone or $16,000 if submitting with two or more collaborators. Faculty of Practice are eligible to apply for a REP. After going from 5th to 1st last year in allocated REP funds, please contact the C3 Team if you have any questions regarding REP guidelines, budgets, narratives, or submission procedures. Matthew Winn ( ) is more than happy to review your proposal and give high-quality feedback, while Meredith Williams ( can help you manage the funding if awarded. Additionally, helpful resources such as a recorded 2022 CoFAC REP Workshop, budget cheat sheet, narrative template, and examples of successful REP applications can be found on C3’s Internal Funding Page. EXTERNAL FUNDING FOR COFAC PROJECTS CoFAC faculty who have an idea for a research or creative project that requires funding to be conducted and completed can search for external funding opportunities with the help of C3 services and resources. For example, faculty can learn how to use and search for funding on the PIVOT funding database through a recorded PIVOT workshop . In this C3 led workshop, Pre-Award Research Coordinator Matthew Winn shows faculty how to actively create and save funding searches, how to passively receive weekly emails with new funding opportunities, and how to get the most out of PIVOT through advanced searches. Additionally, faculty can look through C3’s curated external funding opportunities that are broken down by each of the five CoFAC units. Finally, faculty are encouraged to reach out to the C3 Team if they have a project idea or would like to learn more about searching for and applying for external funding opportunities. Matthew can help walk you through the entire process and even help you edit and submit funding applications! HAVE AN IDEA ?! CONTACT MatthewWinn C3 Team 512.245.0040 RESOURCE GUIDE: The Resource Guide was created to help faculty find and obtain funding and provide support in managing awards for research and creative projects. Meredith Williams C3 Team 512.245.6719 College of Fine Arts and Communication | 9