
College of Fine Arts and Communication | 9 16 | September | College News Nolan Hopkins on tour with the Boston Crusaders Drum and Bugle Corps Jack Woodruff with the National Youth Wind Ensemble in Washington D.C. at the historic Warner Theater Flute alumni Hilary Janysek, Ziqing Guan, and Valerie Cowan 4 5 6 STUDENT ACCOLADES Erik Gamez , undergraduate saxophone student, was selected via audition to rehearse and perform with the World Youth Wind Orchestra Project this summer in Schladming, Austria. Undergraduate music student Nolan Hopkins toured nationally over the summer with the Boston Crusaders Drum and Bugle Corps. [4] Founded in 1940, the organization is the third-oldest junior drum and bugle corps in the nation and a founding member of Drum Corps International. Composed entirely of brass players, percussionists and color guard members under the age of 22, it traveled over 10,000 miles this summer, performing in more than 40 competitions and exhibitions before a combined audience of over 300,000 fans. Saxophone student Jack Woodruff was selected via audition to perform with the National Youth Wind Ensemble in Washington D.C. at the historic Warner Theater. [4] Following a comprehensive audition process, the NYWE consists of the nation’s premier young wind, brass, and percussion performers. Musicians spent a week in the nation’s capital, with daily rehearsals led by guest conductors, received daily coachings with professional musicians from the D.C. area, and experienced military band performances at the capital. The inaugural 2022 experience culminated in a performance in the historic Warner Theater in Washington D.C. on June 18. ALUMNI ACCOLADES Apple TV was recognized by the News & Documentary Emmy Awards with nominations for celebrated documentaries, including Outstanding Science & Technology Documentary and Outstanding Sound: Documentary for the groundbreaking nature film Fathom . Alumnus Brad Engleking was both the supervising sound editor and re-recording mixer. Samuel Gaskin has received a Fulbright Study/Research Award to study with organist-composer Jean-Baptiste Robin at the Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Versailles (CRR de Versailles). Additionally, he will be studying jazz piano and organ improvisation, with the goals of investigating the pedagogical methods of the French conservatory, mutual cultural exchange, and new forms of artistic expression. Samuel is a past student of organ professor John Schmidt and jazz piano professor Hank Hehmsoth . Following a stringent application process, saxophone alumnus Jeremy Rodriguez was selected by the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program to teach English in Kyoto City and departed mid-April. The JET Program is a competitive employment opportunity that allows young professionals to live and work in cities, towns, and villages throughout Japan. Most participants serve as Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs). Several flute alumni [6] recently performed or presented at the National Flute Association Convention in Chicago: • Valerie Cowan (M.M. 2014) performed in small ensembles from the US Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps playing Baroque flute and fife. • Ziging Guan (M.M. 2018) was selected and performed for a panel as a quarterfinalist in the Young Artist Competition. • Hilary Janysek (2011) chaired the NFA Flute Clubs committee sponsoring numerous events; was chair of a DEI panel; and conducted and performed with Flutes on the Bayou (Houston-based professional flute ensemble). • Daniel Pardo (2010) also conducted and performed with Flutes on the Bayou, performed in the Opening Ceremonies flute choir, Open Low Flutes Ensemble, chaired the Blaisdell Scholarship Committee, and served as a member of the 1st Generation Scholarship Committee. Pardo and Julia Escobar (2019) performed in ensemble (144 flutists) premiering “Oxygen” by Julia Wolfe. • Teresa Sandragorsian (B.M. 2014, M.M. Jazz 2020) performed in jazz masterclass (chosen by audition). Dr. Todd E. Sullivan joins Texas State University July 1 as School of Music Director and Professor of Music, bringing a wealth of administrative experience and academic accomplishment. He holds a Ph.D. in musicology and an M.M. in music history and literature from Northwestern University and a B.M. in music education from Denison University. Previously, he served as Director and Professor of Musicology in the Northern Arizona University School of Music, Associate Professor of Musicology and Chairperson of the Department of Music at Indiana State University, and taught at Northwestern University and DePaul University. NEW MUSIC DIRECTOR ol ege of Fine rts and o unication | 17