
FACULTY ACCOLADES Tricia Burke published “Supportive coparenting, affection, and mental health after the birth of a child” in Communication Reports . She published a book chapter entitled “Ideal body wishes for the soon-to-be Mrs.: Communicating resistance and acceptance of everyday body talk” in Casing Interpersonal Communication: Case Studies in Personal and Social Relationships (3rd edition). Tricia had “Recognizing the blurred boundary between health-related support and control in close relationships” accepted for publication in the journal Personal Relationships . She also published the chapter “Weight-related communication: Helpful, hurtful, and unavoidable” in Introduction to Communication Studies: Translating Communication Scholarship to Meaningful Practice (2nd edition). Ann Burnette received the College of Fine Arts and Communication College Achievement Award for Service. Michael Burns co-led two study abroad programs over the summer teaching students in London, Paris, and Rome. Michael was recently interviewed by US News & World Report for an article focusing on student email etiquette and the do's and don'ts of emailing. He also presented to over 1000 incoming freshmen at Bobcat Welcome, focusing his presentation on academic success and adjusting to college life. Casey Chilton provided presentation coaching to the Texas Youth Preparedness Council as they prepared to give presentations on their projects to the Texas Emergency Management Conference in San Antonio. Stephanie Dailey co-led an education abroad program with Dr. Seth Frei (Department of Management) travelling across Portugal with fifteen Communication and Business 1 2 3 Kirara Nagatsuka and Manu Pokharel presenting thier paper at the Health Scholar Showcase Undergraduate student Kylie Arthur, M. A. student Luis Ortiz, and Dr. Elizabeth K. Eger working on their research project Maria (Exum) Garrett (M.A., 1990) 6 | September | College News COMMUNICATION STUDIES Communication Studies, Health Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Leadership Studies, Organizational Communication, Persuasive Communication, Political Communication, & Teacher Certif ication in Communication Studies students. Stephanie published “’Define yourself… #EXSTpride’: Exploring an organizational hashtag through the Structurational Model of Identification” in Management Communication Quarterly . Through a qualitative analysis of the hashtag #EXSTpride, the study shows how organizational hashtags produce and reflect identity and identification. Elizabeth K. Eger received a grant from the American Council of Learned Societies. The community conversations project was funded for $14,851 and examines LGBTQ+ work, health, and communication experiences in Texas. Elizabeth published "Creating and sustaining service industry relationships and families: Theorizing how personal workplace relationships both build community and perpetuate organizational violence" in the journal Behavioral Sciences . The piece was co- written with M.A. alumni Emily Pollard , Hannah Jones , and Riki Van Meter . Elizabeth also published "LGBTQ+ Workers" in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication with M.A. alumni Morgan Litrenta , Sierra Kane , and Lace Senegal . Kristen Farris co-led a study abroad program over the summer teaching students in London and Paris. Students in the program earned general education credit for COMM 1310 and Intro to Fine Arts. Kristen also published "The influence of leadership styles and supervisor communication on employee burnout" in the Journal of General Management . The paper was co-authored with M.A. alum Yifan Xu . Rebekah Fox received the Presidential Distinction Award for Research. Marian Houser co-led a study abroad program over the summer teaching students in London and Paris. Students in the program earned general education credit for COMM 1310 and Intro to Fine Arts. Daniel King received the Department Achievement Award for Teaching. Roseann Mandziuk received the College of Fine Arts and Communication College Achievement Award for Teaching. Josh Miller received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching and the College of Fine Arts and Communication Presidential Distinction Award. Josh also published two articles: (1) “The inclusion paradox of local deliberation: The case of Holland, Michigan's LGBTQ+ non-discrimination controversy” in the journal Argumentation and Advocacy and (2) “The normal heart and "sickly" body: The case of Matthew Bomer's extreme weight loss” in Communication Quarterly . Mark Paz received the College of Fine Arts and Communication College Achievement Award for Service. Manu Pokharel received the College of Fine Arts and Communication College Achievement Award for Research. Manu also published “Visual tailoring and skin cancer prevention: Comparing personalized, stock, and non- ultraviolet images” in the journal Health Communication and “Encouraging replotting to promote persuasion: How imagining alternative plotlines influences message processing and intentions” in Communication Research . In addition, she presented “Stories of regret and death: A social media experiment” to the Health Scholar Showcase hosted by Translational Health Research Initiative. The paper was co-authored with M. A. student Kirara Nagatsuka and received the Health Research Accelerator award. [1] STUDENT ACCOLADES The Communication Studies Graduate Association (CSGA) held its first two events of the semester. First, CSGA held an event on “(Re)Envisioning Success in Graduate School,” which provided students with a deeper understanding about how to conceptualize success, develop goals for the semester, and share time management strategies. The organization held a Communication Studies Trivia event, which was hosted by M. A. alum Austin Allen . Graduate and undergraduates gathered to show off their trivia knowledge, build community, and win prizes. Undergraduate student Kylie Arthur , M. A. student Luis Ortiz , Dr. Elizabeth K. Eger, and M. A. student Cassidy Trim met as a new research team to discuss their funded research project partnering with LGBTQ+ Texan organizations and workers. The project is part of a grant from the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) and examines LGBTQ+ work, health, and communication experiences in Texas. [2] ALUMNI ACCOLADES Maria (Exum) Garrett (M.A., 1990) [3] has enjoyed a nearly 30-year career in HR leadership and corporate Talent Management, training and development, College of Fine Arts and Communication | 7